Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tips for beginners in wood carving ...

Author: Jason Bibb

     Wood carving is, for many people, an interesting combination of hobby and art. Just like with pottery making or other types of similar art, a wood carver is deeply involved in the creation process. The finished wood carvings are much more than a pretty piece of ornament – they have a symbolic value or the creator that is often hard to express in money or material things. Here are a few tips that will help beginning wood carvers learn how to master this rewarding hobby:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Carving Magazine Carving Hint ...... 10 Tips For Carving Eyes!

Carving Magazine Carving Hint ...... 10 Tips For Carving Eyes!
Here are ten quick tips for carving eyes that have graced the pages of Carving Magazine: 1. the centers of the eyes should line up with the corners of the mouth ... 2. the lower lid is an "S" shape instead of a straight line  .... 3. iris covers about 1/3 of the eye and never fully visible ... 4. having eyes looking off to one side is normally a more pleasing design ... 5. quilting pins make great eyes for animals ... 6. the human eye is the size of a ping-pong ball ... 7. there is a distance of 1 eye width between the eyes ... 8. the eyes are in the center of the head for adults and teens ... 9. oldsters faces often elongate putting their eyes above center ... 10. inside and outside corners of the eyes should be the same depth! --- This and other carving tips, projects, profiles and more are available in Carving Magazine ... -